Saturday Movies

The Media and IT Club in my school show English movies on Saturdays when there are no other programs. The Saturday movies are English movies and they are presented solely to help the students develop their English listening skills. Like one must read to write good English, one must first listen, to speak.

This initiative was born last year when we had an American English teacher. Her name is Sarah Schmitt and together we decided those good Hollywood movies would do our students a lot of good when it comes to developing listening skills and picking up functional English usage in their everyday conversations.

So far the media club has only been able to present two Hollywood movies; The School of Rock and Pitch Perfect. But these movies were received well. The students enjoyed them and hopefully, we will be able to let our students watch more good Hollywood movies in the future.  And I am pretty sure that we will be able to because the school administration is very supportive. The Saturday movies are not compulsory, so we picked movies that are not so serious but fun and movies that tell stories to which they (students) can easily relate. Million Dollar Baby was picked once but we decided to save it for a later time when our audience is more matured with their listening skills. The next movies waiting are The Book Thief, Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, The Giver...

As an English language teacher, I also see how I can discuss the elements of a short story through these movies. Each movie is a story and so it has all the aspects of a story like a plot, setting, characterization, conflict, and resolution. Writing the story of the movie in their own words will augment their story writing skills and some can even get creative by changing certain things in the story if they want to.

I hope the 'Saturday Movies' become a good culture in the school. 


  1. Please share The Book Thief, and I have The Giver in HD
    We are screening The Giver to Class X this sat.
    Best wishes with the good culture.

    1. Thanks for reading Passu. I will bring you the movie when I come to deliver the money.

  2. Great initiatives taken by the school sir. Keep it alive forever.

    1. Thank you for reading and we will try our best

  3. Though our teachers already started this 'saturday movie' trend when I was in high school, they stopped it after screening one movie, '2012.' Perhaps, it could be because they didn't have good related movies to show us then. I found this initiative a productive one.

    I agree this is one easier method to learn how to speak good English. Carry on with the good work, Nobu sir. :)

  4. Nobu, pl. add these too: Freedom Writers, Dead Poets' Society, Edward Scissor-hand, Schindelr's List (these are just right out of my head). There are others I will dig and let you know.

    1. Thank you. These movies are all good. We will shoe them.

  5. That's how I learn my Chinese too last time :) Keep up the culture Nobu! Hope the students enjoy it! :)


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