Why didn't the poet use simple language?

Today, one of my students asked me why did poets write poems in languages that were difficult for the students to understand. He said, "Why didn't the poet use simple/straight forward language?" It was a straight forward question and I tried my best to satisfy him with an answer. I told him to compare two sentences: "I miss you" "I miss you like the dry earth misses the fresh showers of spring. " I asked him which one did he like. He said that he liked the second sentence. I asked why and he said the second sentence was more beautiful and I asked him why again and he said because the second sentence was talking about spring. Then I told him to close his eyes and listen to the second sentence when I read it. I asked him what pictures did he imagine when he heard the words. He told me that he saw the rain in the spring. I asked him what else did he see and he said, "flowers". I told him to imagine the rain on his face ...