Ode to My Nalaypem

You are so beautiful that Even the roses envy your loveliness. Like a blissful creature bestowed upon man. To teach him of worship, You have come to me. Your eyes shine so vivid That even the stars shy away and The creator himself with bliss Carved your face. Your kiss is sweeter than the sweetest nectar That I say; ‘O sweet Nalaypem, make me immortal with a kiss’ . Fortune has favoured me With your eyes guiding me. I now m grateful for its bounty Of delivering you to me. If Shakespeare were to write a poem on you, He would have done so that it would make me envious. But he would have found no word Beauteous enough to label you. For you are far sweeter than frail Juliet, Far bolder than Portia and far beautiful than Helen. You are to me what I ever wanted in love. My passion has come alive with you, To make my human flesh Godly and good, Capable of love that is to bloom. ‘O sweet Nalaypem I love thee much....