Dolay Pangee Ashi

This was a bed time story from my father. After a million Tara recitals, the baby was born. She was the sweetest thing her mother laid eyes on. But shortly after giving birth, the mother passed away. The father married again, for he was just a man and lacked the knowledge to bring up his daughter. The stepmother was a shrewd woman. She loved her husband but could not make herself accept his daughter because the girl reminded her husband of his late wife. Every time the father and daughter were together, jealousy flooded her heart. The fact that her husband loved his daughter more than her was a difficult truth for her to accept. Things didn’t change for her and she felt worst when her womb remained cold even after five years of marriage. It didn’t take long for jealousy and frustration to turn into hatred. The girl bloomed into a beautiful young woman. She had a sweet voice and sang songs while she took the family sheep for grazing. Every morning she would t...